BENKŐ, M. (2010). The ‘Closed / Open’ Duality in Contemporary Urban Form; megjelent: Open House International, vol.35 no.3 2010 – 47-55. o. (ISSN 0168-2601) – you can read it here(abstract)
BENKŐ Melinda: Evaluating Factors in the Image Housing Estates, Periodica Politechnica, 2012 – you can read it here
BENKŐ, M. (2012). Context-Sensitive Approach to Architecture. In.Építés- Építészettudomány Vol. 40 No. 3-4. (pp 375-399). Budapest – you can read it here
BENKŐ Melinda: Budapest Urban Blocks and Their Sustainability – you can read it here
BENKŐ, M. (2012). Budapest et le Danube – un point de vue budapestois. In. ELTE Öt kontinens. Budapest – you can read it here
BENKŐ, M. (2011). Budapest Urban Blocks and their Sustainability. In. Architektúra & Urbanizmus Vol. XLV. No. 3-4. (pp. 188-201). Bratislava – you can read it here
BENKŐ, M. (2011). The Role of Urban Renewal in Architectural Education. In. Benko, M. & Szabo, A. (Eds.), Urban Renewal, Essays on Urban design (pp. 10-17). Budapest: Department of Urban Planning and Design, BME – you can read it here
BENKŐ, M. (2010). Masséna – New Campus of Paris. In. 4D Journal of LandscapeArchitecture and Garden Art Vol. 19. (pp. 2-15). Budapest – you can read it here
KISSFAZEKAS Kornélia: Urban Structures and Architectural Specificities in the Post-Socialist New Towns, In: Szirmai Viktória , (szerk), “Artificial Towns” in the 21st Century: Social Polarisation in the New Town Regions of East-Central Europe Budapest: MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet, 2016. pp. 403-437. – you can read it here
KISSFAZEKAS Kornélia: Shapes and Layers , In: Giuseppe Strappa, Anna Rita Donatella Amato, Antonio Camporeale (szerk.), City as Organism. New Visions for Urban Life-ISUF Rome 2015-Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1-2.1590 p. Rome: U+D Edition, 2016. pp. 87-97. – you can read it here
KISSFAZEKAS Kornélia: Relationships between politics, cities and architecture based on the examples of two Hungarian New Towns; CITIES 48. 2015. pp. 99-108. – you can read it here
LOCSMÁNDI Gábor, Phd.; PÉTERI Gábor; VARGA-ÖTVÖS Béla: Urban Planning and Capital Investment Financing in Hungary; published in: LGI Studies 2000 – you can read it here
PÁLFY Sándor DLA: On Public Issues and Public Spaces – a Design Course Focusing on the Danube Bank in Budapest; published in: Dúll Andrea, Pálfy Sándor (2014) In. Periodica Polytechnica Architecture 45(2), pp. 47-51, DOI:10.3311/PPar.7594, Budapest – you can read it here
SZABÓ Árpád DLA: Fenntarthatósági minták / Sustainability patterns, Published in: Benkő Melinda, Szabó Árpád (szerk.) Városmegújítás: városépítészeti tanulmányok. Budapest, Magyarország, 2010.11.24. Budapest: BME Urbanisztika Tanszék, pp. 120-129. ISBN: 978-963-313-019-3 – you can read it here
SZABÓ Árpád DLA: Új városi karakter: Europan 10 tervpályázat Ajkán / New Urban Character.: Europan 10 competition in Ajka, Megjelent: 4D TÁJÉPÍTÉSZETI ÉS KERTMŰVÉSZETI FOLYÓIRAT 17 (2010): pp. 54-64. (2010) – you can read it here
Teachers’ full publication lists is on BME publication database: