urb.tdk / 2021


The annual Student Research Societies Conference (TDK) is an independent science or art project competition, where the projects are prepared by students with consultants and presented to the jury at the TDK conference series. Besides being a field of scientific competition it is also an important step towards doctoral education so it is recommended for students being oriented towards such higher education. The scientific papers analyse a research question, following a consistently built, logical methodology. The length of the papers are about 25-30 pages with references together. The forms of the artworks are free, but they must be developed together with the consultants. This year the project submission is in October, and the conference will be held in November 2021.

This year the Student Research Societies Conference call at the Department of Urban Planning and Design builds on the concept of “RECOVERY” – What are the effects of changing climate, social, economic climates for architecture and urban architecture? What methods and tools can we use to respond to the challenges as an architect or urban planner? How can our community spaces be adapted to the changed conditions of social coexistence? What new opportunities are there for community participation in the time of the new paradigm of social distancing?

The questions are also related to the current research topics of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, the names of the supervisors and the topics related to the framework topic can be read below as inspiration. In consultation with the instructors, it is also possible to develop individual topics. We are waiting for your topic suggestions and short abstracts!

Online introductory event: May 25th Tuesday 18.00

Code of the TDK Teams channel: 2qldbku

DEADLINE  – To apply, fill in the following questionnaire: https://forms.gle/4E6R8DSicXfWBT9y5



Szabó, Árpád DLA, Amir Sirjani
Recovery / resilience or sustainability of our cities LINK
Global south / urban challenges worldwide
Wettstein, Domonkos PhD
Landscape and scales / regional architectural strategies LINK
The “big numbers” in tiny scales / the architecture of holiday homes and recreational landscapes LINK
There is no big picture without details / different positions and visions in the community space
20th-century modern architecture and the new challenges of the heritage
Benkő, Melinda PhD TOPIC
Housing LINK
Orbán, Annamária PhD
Smart cities, future conscious urban development and governance
Dr. habil Alföldi György DLA, Kurucz Olívia TOPIC
Dark mode / Extreme urbanism LINK
Light mode / Placemaking LINK



Hory, Gergő PhD
Unexpected Spatial Stories / Creative observations about the human use of the everyday built environment LINK
Kádár, Bálint PhD; Varga, Imre; Szabó, Árpád DLA TOPIC
Spiritual Transfer / DANUrB+ LINK


If you have your own topic idea, find the instructor who fits you and contact him/her!
Possible supervisors: Melinda Benkő PhD, Domonkos Wettstein PhD, Árpád Szabó DLA, Annamária Orbán PhD

Further information / departmental TDK organizer:
Domonkos Wettstein